Dear Esteemed Clients,

Merry Christmas to you all!

Here at ZamaHost, we love Christmas because we get the chance to express our sincere gratitude to you, our client. As a token of appreciation for your patronage, we are delighted to bring you huge discounts.

We are offering the following Christmas discounts starting from 25th December, 2017 till 1st January, 2018 (IST) till stocks last. Kindly use the coupon codes mentioned below to avail the discounts:

Hosting Discounts

60% discount on our DDoS Protected Shared Hosting Packages - Zama DD1, DD2 and DD3

Coupon Code: DD60Xmas2017

40% discount on our DDoS Protected Shared Hosting Packages - Zama DP1, DP2 and DP3

Coupon Code: DP40Xmas2017

50% discount on our DDoS Protected Shared Hosting Packages - Zama R1, R2 and R3

Coupon Code: RG50Xmas2017


50% discount on Regular VPS Servers - ZAMA KVM RVPS01, ZAMA KVM RVPS02, ZAMA KVM RVPS03 & ZAMA KVM RVPS04

Coupon Code: RV50Xmas2017


40% discount on DDoS Protected VPS Servers - ZAMA KVM DVPS01, ZAMA KVM DVPS02, ZAMA KVM DVPS03 & ZAMA KVM DVPS04

Coupon Code: DV40Xmas2017


Discounts on Security Products

SiteLock - SL3 Premium Plan - At $50 flat

Coupon Code - SL50Xmas2017


GeoTrust Anti-Malware Scan With Seal - At $50 flat

No coupon code required


Domain Deals

.info - at $7.00 only

Coupon Code - INFOXmas2017

.co - at $15.00 only

Coupon Code - COXmas2017



1) Discounts not applicable on existing packages.

2) Discounts are applicable on purchase of new services only.

3) Discounts not applicable on product upgrades.

4) Discounts valid from 25th December, 2017 to 1st January, 2018 (Indian Time) till stocks last. 

5) No refunds available once you purchase the the discounted product/service. 

Thank you for choosing ZamaHost. We’re wishing you all of the joys of  the Holiday Season and look forward to serving you in the coming New Year.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

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